Black Magick


Planet: Saturn Chakra : Base Black is one of the most powerful colors. Use black for binding, reversing spells, repelling negativity. Black can be used for concealing, transformation, causing confusio...

The Chaos of the divine feminine

“The reason that they felt ill at ease was that by eating and drinking they laid themselves open to Az-concupiscence: their bodies were no longer self-sufficient but depended on nourishment from outsi...

The Blood of Wolves

In the ancient witchcraft religion (Yatuk), Persian Sorcerers used blood of wolves (who are sacred to Ahriman) to call upon darkness. Ahriman was probably in this sense, one of the first Vampyre forms...

The workings of Saturn

The workings of Saturn are focused within darkness, and the possibility therein. The self-alchemical process of moving through the sphere of Saturn is relative to darkness in that the initiate moves t...

The Saturnian Mysteries

The Saturnian Mysteries is only one avenue of magical exploration which may be explored within a Sabbatic context, not to, by any means, destroy an ongoing tradition but rather develop it. Through suc...

From the graves of Corpse-sleep

“Oh moon nourished haunters of dreams, who have tasted the souls’ blood of life, From the graves of Corpse-sleep from which ye emerge, from the pools of blood beneath the fountains of red sea, that em...

Luciferian path

As the darkest night is coming and recently with some of my friends came around to talk about darker side of magick, I though may be good idea to talk about branches of witchcraft like Luciferian path...


Sometimes you’ll hear people in the Pagan community – and outside of it – use the term “black magic.” Others will tell you that magic has no colour at all. So what does “black magic” reall...